Exciting developments around Linux on Phones!

Ubuntu Touch, Plasma Mobile, Halium, PinePhone, and VollaPhone

There have been countless attempts to dethrone Android. Many tried, many failed. But 2020 might be the year we finally see this change!





  • Jan Sprinz, 2019. Exciting developments around Linux on Phones!. Ubuntu Touch, Plasma Mobile, Halium, PinePhone, and VollaPhone. Leipzig: 36th Chaos Communication Congress (36c3). https://spri.nz/talks/2019/36c3-lightning/
  • @misc{eef26d17f04017a40fd28502305f7fbe,
      author       = "Jan Sprinz",
      title        = "Exciting developments around Linux on Phones!. Ubuntu Touch, Plasma Mobile, Halium, PinePhone, and VollaPhone.",
      year         = 2019,
      month        = "Dec",
      howpublished = "Leipzig, 36th Chaos Communication Congress (36c3)",
      note         = "\url{https://spri.nz/talks/2019/36c3-lightning/}, Accessed: October 29, 2022"