One year after the world ended

Ubuntu Touch today

One year after the world ended Ubuntu Touch today by Jan Sprinz at Ubucon Europe

A closer look at what the UBports Community has been up to in the first year as the maintainer of the Ubuntu Touch operating system.




  • Jan Sprinz, 2018. One year after the world ended. Ubuntu Touch today. Xixon: Ubucon Europe.
  • @misc{594aa4310ca42d79cba6f27daaf75d17,
      author       = "Jan Sprinz",
      title        = "One year after the world ended. Ubuntu Touch today.",
      year         = 2018,
      month        = "Apr",
      howpublished = "Xixon, Ubucon Europe",
      note         = "\url{}, Accessed: October 29, 2022"