Why we need GNU/Linux on mobile devices

(now more than ever)

A look into possible future scenarios for the mobile OS market and a quick intro to some projects trying to save us from certain annihilation.





  • Jan Sprinz, 2018. Why we need GNU/Linux on mobile devices. (now more than ever). Leipzig: 35th Chaos Communication Congress (35c3). https://spri.nz/talks/2018/35c3/
  • @misc{0d0b95360aff77558d2ef6160e28080e,
      author       = "Jan Sprinz",
      title        = "Why we need GNU/Linux on mobile devices. (now more than ever).",
      year         = 2018,
      month        = "Dec",
      howpublished = "Leipzig, 35th Chaos Communication Congress (35c3)",
      note         = "\url{https://spri.nz/talks/2018/35c3/}, Accessed: October 29, 2022"