Ubuntu Touch is alive!

Meet the UBports Community

A quick glance at the ragtag group of volunteers who one day decided to fork a mobile operating system



  • Marius Gripsgård, Jan Sprinz, 2017. Ubuntu Touch is alive!. Meet the UBports Community. Paris: Ubucon Europe. https://spri.nz/talks/2017/ubucon-europe/
  • @misc{1f498aa30a5b43b2ced12b84252b57d4,
      author       = "Marius Gripsgård; Jan Sprinz",
      title        = "Ubuntu Touch is alive!. Meet the UBports Community.",
      year         = 2017,
      month        = "Sep",
      howpublished = "Paris, Ubucon Europe",
      note         = "\url{https://spri.nz/talks/2017/ubucon-europe/}, Accessed: October 29, 2022"